Time has come to rise..... to stand......and to protect....
Nature has been taken for granted by the unthinking humans for too many decades, the mother earth is still being polluted, abused and ill-treated. She has given us the very breath we inhale...yet, what have we done in return? We are united now, to make a change in our home, in our school, in our region, in our country because this planet deserves a lot more care and grace.
Members of the committee.
About our project
Our intention is to introduce various ecological substitutions we can use in order to eradicate as many as products which harm the planet. We are concerned about the land, water and air. We are a group of global social leaders who strongly believe that the first thing we need to be grateful out of all what we are gifted with is nothing but nature. If it gives us the very breath that we inhale, we have a noble duty to perform. Our group expects to promote an eco-friendly living culture in our school, among the students and their families.

We have already started to introduce a new trend of ecofriendly living to our school mates, to innovate and create new concepts and objects which will work as substitutions for pollution causing plastic and harmful products and to spread the message across the community through posters, exhibitions, social media and other media sources.
Let everybody know..

Gift plants, not plastic.
Our members initiated the project by donating a plant to each class in the middle school. The purose was to raise awareness among the students about the importance of co-existing with nature harmoniously, taking care of it and being benefitted by it.

We encourage our friends to plant trees in their gardens. Several started doing it enthusiastically.
We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters; the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers.
Chief Seattle

Please don't cut me....
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
It is our responsibility to make the youth aware of their obligations towards mother nature. Hasn't cutting down trees trees caused enough of crisis on earth already? .....

Video Channel
Video Channel

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights
About My Project
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